Chapter 1: Introduction to the Piano & Hand Position

Lesson 1/1 | Study Time: 10 Min

Chapter 1: Charlotte’s First Piano Lesson 🎹

Charlotte was so excited! Today was her first piano lesson with Miss Carla. She ran to the big piano and smiled.

"I can't wait to play a song!" Charlotte said.

Miss Carla laughed. "That’s great, Charlotte! But first, let’s meet the piano."

1.1 Meet the Piano

Miss Carla lifted the piano cover. "Look at the keys, Charlotte. What do you see?"

Charlotte looked closely. "There are white keys and black keys! And the black ones come in twos and threes!"

"Yes! This pattern helps us find the notes." Miss Carla pointed to a special key near the middle of the piano. "This is called Middle C. Try pressing it!"

Charlotte pressed the key. Ding! "I did it!"

"Great job! Middle C is our home. It helps us know where to start playing."

1.2 How to Hold Your Hands

Miss Carla showed Charlotte her hands. "Pretend you are holding a little ball. See how my fingers are curved?"

Charlotte copied her. "Like this?"

"Perfect! Now, let's put your fingers on the piano."

Charlotte placed her fingers on the keys.

"Your fingers have numbers," Miss Carla said. "Your thumb is 1, pointer finger is 2, middle finger is 3, ring finger is 4, and pinky is 5. Can you wiggle each one?"

Charlotte wiggled her fingers and giggled. "My pinky feels funny!"

Miss Carla smiled. "That’s okay! We’ll make it stronger!"

1.3 Sitting Like a Pianist

Charlotte sat on the piano bench, but her legs were swinging.

Miss Carla gave her a little stool. "Put your feet here, and sit up straight. Keep your shoulders relaxed!"

Charlotte sat tall. "Like this?"

"Yes! Now, you’re ready to play!"

1.4 Playing Your First Notes

Miss Carla pointed to Middle C again. "Press it with your thumb."

Charlotte pressed it. Ding!

"Great! Now try D, E, F, and G with the next fingers."

Charlotte played them all. Ding, ding, ding, ding!

"Now go back down!" Miss Carla said.

Charlotte played G, F, E, D, C. Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding!

Miss Carla clapped. "You did it! You played your first notes!"

Charlotte giggled. "That was fun!"

Practice Tips

✅ Find Middle C and play up and down.
✅ Sit up tall and keep your fingers curved.
✅ Play the notes slowly and gently.

"Practice these before our next lesson!" Miss Carla said.

Charlotte grinned. "I will! I can’t wait to learn more!"

🎵 Next Chapter: Finger Exercises for Strong Hands! 🎵



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